Carbon Neutral Consulting
We believe a healthy, livable environment builds a strong business community, and that we have a responsibility to our clients, our employees, and our global community to address and minimize the impacts of our business on the planet. With great challenges, come great opportunities to innovate and solve.
We are actively decarbonizing our company’s operations and our supply chain to drive down our carbon footprint, increase awareness of the impacts of climate change, and support our clients and our employees in this journey.

We Commit. We Act.
Carbon Neutral Consulting.
- As a 100% carbon neutral firm, we encourage lower carbon work patterns while offsetting transportation and energy use by investing in clean energy programs and planting one tree for every week worked by each of our team members.
Emissions Disclosure.
- To continually measure and reduce our carbon footprint, Strong Tower completes an annual greenhouse gas emissions disclosure across all of our business operations and supply chain through CDP, the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.
“Minute-By-Minute Philanthropy”.
- At the core of our corporate giving program is a strategy through which we give back $1 for every billable hour to our 10 non-profit charity partners – including several that focus on preserving and protecting our environment such as National Forest Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund. Each of our team members has the power to choose which organization their hard-earned contribution goes.

Decarbonizing and Carbon Credits
We offset all our employees carbon footprint from all their activities involved with Strong Tower. From their morning travel to work, heating or cooling and their time at the office by purchasing carbon credits. This supports industry-leading carbon reduction projects, this project included: Energy Efficiency, Forestry and Renewable Energy. For example, one project is the The Envira Amazonia Project is a payment for ecosystem services forest conservation project protecting nearly 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) of tropical rainforest.